Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chance as a Working Process

I've been reading about "Chance as a working process." Try this sometime... Draw a picture of yourself or someone else, but don't look at your picture as you are drawing it. You might want to put another piece of paper on top of your drawing hand. Concentrate on the major lines of the face and really look at the features - the eyes, nose, lips, ears.

Ok, I didn't do this drawing entirely like this, but once I got the Chance Outline down, I filled in with what I know, which is shading and defining the texture and lines.

Try this with taiko too... Have someone give you your first 8 counts of your solo and then let go... After you have that "launch pad," fill in the rest with what your body does with that.

I'm still working on the Sketchbook Project. Only one month left!

1 comment:

J-F said...

Very cool concept that we can apply to so many areas of our lives. We just have to trust, let go, and then enjoy the process.

Thanks Yurika!
