Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tree Planting

"What could compel a person to make a career out of such a thing?  Some people think planting trees is as boring and crazy-making as stuffing envelopes or climbing a stair-master.  I love my job for exactly the opposite reason, because it is so full of things.  There are so many living creatures to touch and smell and look at in the field and it's often a little intoxicating.  A setting so full of all-enveloping sensations that it just sweeps you up and spirits you away, like Vegas does to gamblers or Mount Everest to climbers.  It has a way of filling up life with verbs that push into one another, with no idle space in between.  So that you can't believe all the things you saw or all the living beings that brushed past your skin."  - Charlotte Gill, Eating Dirt

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